Do the damn thing

Where do I begin? For months, I haven’t been able to write. I’ve started a dozen posts, I’ve made quick journal entires, I’ve jotted things down on sticky notes, but that’s it. Sitting down and composing a coherent post, full of ideas relevant to dysautonomia, relevant to my life, relevant to anything—has been impossible. Life… Continue reading Do the damn thing

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LET’S DO THIS. Dysautonomia International knows how to party. They know that #GivingTuesday is the best, and want to make it last every day of December. I used to think of charity in the abstract. I participated in service projects, I bought wristbands, I practiced my vocab to donate grains of rice. I gave $5… Continue reading #GivingTuesday

Speak up

First things first: I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I got to see some of my best friends from high school when they came home for break and we TORE IT UP. (By that, I mean we went out for sandwiches and watched television together. Exactly like we did in high school.) As… Continue reading Speak up

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