
Not every one of these resources applies directly to coping with dysautonomia, but every resource here has been beneficial to me or to a friend or family member.

Are you newly diagnosed to dysautonomia? Check out my Starter Kit which breaks down some resources step by step!

Information about dysautonomia

Blogs & Websites

Social media accounts

Facebook support groups

Doctor finders and databases

Organizations that support common comorbidities

Some of my favorite posts and articles

Apps and tools

  • Flowly – VR biofeedback at home using your own phone
  • Folio – this app lets you store bank cards and scan all kinds of important cards and documents, so when you forget your wallet or are missing something, all you have to do is open your app. I use this to store my insurance cards, COVID vaccine cards, and other health documents so I always have them with me
  • Heartmath – biofeedback at home
  • Migraine Buddy – log migraines and track barometric pressure changes
  • Monash University Low FODMAP App – costs $13, but is such a good resource if you’re on a low FODMAP diet–makes everything easy to understand and search
  • Supercook – recipe search by what ingredients you have at home
  • VacayAbility – imagine Yelp where every review is written by your chronically ill and disabled friends. An invaluable resource created by Natasha Graves.
  • WeatherX – app and ear plugs to help with barometric pressure changes. I only use the app to track pressure changes and it is fantastic.
  • Health Document Template – this is a template I created that you can fill in and bring to doctors’ appointments with all of your information for easy reference and access


Movies and videos


Shops that support dysautonomia research and great products for dysautonomia

Hydration and electrolyte supplements

There are so many hydration and electrolyte supplements on the market, but I’ve included some notes on the most popular plus my favorites and my friends’ favorites (all in alphabetical order)

  • Buoy – this one is drops instead of a powder–I’ve heard that it’s really salty but people recommend adding it into a flavored drink instead of just adding into water and it helps with the flavor–so something like tea, juice, etc.
  • DripDrop – easy to find at drug stores
  • LMNT – has the most unique flavors I’ve ever seen–people love this one because it has electrolytes and is 0 sugar without being disgusting. They recently launched sparkling waters with the electrolytes in them which looks awesome–I love the options.
  • LiquidIV – you can find good deals on Amazon, CostCo, and they frequently do sponsorships of influencers and YouTube channels and will offer discount codes–my favorite flavor is the new Firecracker Popsicle flavor, it’s so good
  • NormaLyte – to be 100% honest it’s not my favorite, but it has an unflavored powder that I would recommend mixing into a flavored drink like juice or tea because it thickens the liquid it’s in, so it’s a bit odd in water but I think would go well with something else!
  • nuun – very popular with athletes–what I like about these is that they’re tabs that come in a container similar to the classic Mini M&M tubes from the late 90s, so they’re very easy to carry around.
  • Pedialyte – it’s a classic for a reason! Always drink it cold though.
  • Trioral – I haven’t had the chance to try this one but it received rave reviews from someone I trust, so it goes on my recommendations list!
  • Vitassium and SaltStick – love, love this brand–they recently discontinued their drink mix but they’re working on some new products. They launched a brand new Extra Strength electrolyte capsule that I tried and like, and they also have some great electrolyte fast chews that are like sweet/salty SweeTarts.

Products my friends and I like

Other people who have brilliant resource pages