I arrive at each of these doctors’ offices/locations in pretty poor shape with my standard POTS flare symptoms—bad tachycardia, dehydration, vomiting, dizziness, and with hot/cold flashes. I’m shivering, have brain fog, and I’m so utterly fatigued that it’s hard for me to move. I’m going to analyze how each of the doctors on these shows… Continue reading Which medical drama could figure out POTS?
Category: Posts
Wish for the new year
This year I wish you small things, like getting an onion ring in your French fry order, getting to a charger right before your phone dies, having just enough milk for the recipe, your pants making your butt look great, having a great hair day. I wish you medium things, like finding money in your… Continue reading Wish for the new year
Shannon’s Extremely Last Minute Favorite Things 2023
Happy Holidays. Merry Christmas. Joyeaux Noel. You know what my favorite thing is this holiday season? Procrastinating things to the absolute last minute. And that’s how, dear reader, we find ourselves here, MERE MINUTES ‘til Christmas, with me rolling out yet another Favorite Things/Gift Guide even though every single responsible person has purchased their gifts… Continue reading Shannon’s Extremely Last Minute Favorite Things 2023
I don’t have an introduction. I don’t have a thesis. I don’t have a conclusion. I don’t have a main idea, I don’t have anything that you should have when you write something longer than a Tweet. I have memories. I have flashbacks. I have a few photos. So this happened. There is no rhyme… Continue reading 2003
The adults who responded inappropriately to my eating disorder
CW/TW: eating disorders, body image issues, etc. I am currently in the middle of a very intense therapy journey exploring long held issues with food, control, and an untreated eating disorder I had as a child. All of this therapy work has inspired dozens of pages worth of writing, and this piece is the result… Continue reading The adults who responded inappropriately to my eating disorder