Thanks, friends

A quick post. Without getting into specifics, the last few months have been some of the hardest in my life. I’m on the upswing right now (knock on wood, pray I don’t jinx it), but I imagine this fall has been just as difficult on my loved ones. So this Thanksgiving, thank you to everyone… Continue reading Thanks, friends

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#DysConf 2017: recap, highlights and how I managed four days of going, going, going

As many members of the Dysautonomia International Medical Advisory Board, Board of Directors and Patient Advisory Board that we could corral at lunch

Given the fact that my favorite thing in the world is just sitting and talking or sleeping, it doesn’t make much sense that the highlight of my year is a four day conference that I spend the majority of each day on my feet, running around, making things happen. I *do* spend plenty of time… Continue reading #DysConf 2017: recap, highlights and how I managed four days of going, going, going

#DysConf 2017: recap, Lobby Day in a Lobby Daze

Historically, #DysConf Lobby Days have been on the hottest days of the year. This year, at with a high of 91 degrees, it was actually the coolest Lobby Day we’d had so far… and let’s just say I FELT every single one of those degrees. We arrived downtown later than we’d planned and booked it… Continue reading #DysConf 2017: recap, Lobby Day in a Lobby Daze